Under the Hood

Greetings, programs!

You may notice a bunch of new content here all of a sudden. This is because I am very strongly leaning toward migrating the content of Byzantium’s Shores to this space, and closing down operations over there. I think it wise to own one’s own space online, and this space is that–and it also feels wise to do some consolidating of the spaces I have, even though I’ve been using the old BlogSpot digs for almost twenty years. There’s a lot of work in figuring this all out, but I’ll get it done. I think.

Anyway, things will likely start looking different ’round here, so bear with me!


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2 Responses to Under the Hood

  1. Good luck.

    When I moved my blog from Blogger to my own line after 5 years, it was easy to move.
    But when I wanted to do it again to back up my blog, after about 8 years, there was too much content.

    • ksedinger says:

      I don’t think I’ll delete the old blog or set it up to automatically redirect here; I’ll leave it as a searchable archive. It’ll be an awkward transition but in the long run I think it’s the right thing to do. (Plus, the old “Byzantium’s Shores” identity–that “brand”, if you will–is one brand too many.)

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