A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

What’s a tool, gadget, or gizmo you purchased genuinely believing that it would be really useful and you’d get a lot of mileage out of it…only to have it sit on a shelf, unused, for most of its duration in your ownership?

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7 Responses to A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

  1. Call me Paul says:

    12v tire inflator.

  2. Lynn says:

    A blender. I forget exactly when we bought it but we kept it for many years, moving it around never using it. We finally threw it out a couple of years ago when we re-modeled the kitchen and even then I was going to keep it. I couldn't stand to throw it away. What finally decided the matter was that I couldn't find a place to put it.

  3. Lynn says:

    A blender. I forget exactly when we bought it but we kept it for many years, moving it around never using it. We finally threw it out a couple of years ago when we re-modeled the kitchen and even then I was going to keep it. I couldn't stand to throw it away. What finally decided the matter was that I couldn't find a place to put it.

  4. Roger Owen Green says:

    Coffee maker, which we asked for on our wedding list, because we thought we'd entertain coffee drinkers – I don't drink it, and the Wife seldom does – but we used it once in a decade before we gave it away.

  5. Kerry says:

    Pasta maker
    Coffee maker
    Panini press

    But we do so love our griddle.

  6. Earl says:

    My Bachelors degree

  7. David Evans says:

    My ASUS Transformer, a 10" Android tablet. It's a perfectly good piece of hardware, and I thought I would be using it for web surfing in bed, reading books whose illustrations don't display well on a smaller reader, showing photos to people…

    I do those things, but much less often than I expected.

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