Time for a new regular feature that I can sporadically forget to post, huzzah!
King Henry II has his sons — Richard, Geoffrey, and John — locked in a cellar. They believe they are to be executed. They hear a door open and someone enter the cellar:
RICHARD: He is here. [beat] He’ll get no satisfaction out of me. He isn’t going to see me beg.
GEOFFREY: Why you chivalric fool, as if the way one fell down mattered.
RICHARD: When the fall is all there is, it matters.
Fine, fine movie, with some of the richest dialogue I’ve ever heard, and an amazing cast (featuring early turns by Anthony Hopkins, Nigel Terry, and Timothy Dalton).
I have SEEN the video of this in the past 30 days; I'll be darned if I can remember where. It was maybe 28 seconds long. If I remember, I'll send you the link.
I agree dang good movie.
And Katharine Hepburn as Eleanor of Aquitaine. It's just about perfection.