Saturday Centus

I’m doing the Centus on time today! Huzzah! This week we’re limited to 25 words, plus the prompt. Hmmmm.

The End

“Now what?” said Prince Charming.

“That dragon carcass is gonna smell,” said the Princess. “You oughta clean that up.”


“Why’d I rescue you, again?”

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21 Responses to Saturday Centus

  1. Kelly Sedinger says:

    I can't be the only one who thinks that the first night in the castle between Snow White and the Prince must have been pretty awkward, can I?

  2. Dazee Dreamer says:

    oh my hell. that was priceless.

  3. Lynn says:

    Reality… can literally stink:@)

  4. Nonna says:

    Hahahaha !
    Great job and kudos for using the prompt as the title !

  5. Jingle says:

    love the dragon imagery.

  6. jfb57 says:

    Cheeky! Jenny won't be pleased though because you didn't use the prompt!

  7. Skoots1moM says:

    you made me giggle…i know she didn't want to skin and cook that dragon, he would have been tough.

  8. Unknown says:

    The beginning is "The End" and the end is only the beginning! LOL! Perfect wake up call!

  9. Kim Lehnhoff says:

    That would pretty much sew it up for me!

  10. cj Schlottman says:

    Great imagery in this fun little story. You really have a way with words. Geez, I could smell the rotting dragon………..


  11. says:

    Very creative and amusing. I like it.

  12. Susan Anderson says:


    Very clever.


  13. Ames says:

    Hahaha I love out takes!~Ames

  14. Christine says:

    She sure has some nerve, remember the feminist movement? that got rid of those niceties like taking out the garbage for us. This was a great post for the prompt!

  15. Christy says:

    LOL! love it! I love imagining what happens after the end of movies.

  16. Jo says:

    oh i just adored this! next time save a self sufficient woman from the dragon … those princesses are mighty high maintenance!

  17. Judie says:

    The more things change, the more they stay the same!! Great take on the prompt!!

  18. Bookie says:

    Battle of the Sexes…will never have a The End. 🙂

  19. Tgoette says:

    Me thinketh that thy Princess is a royal pain! Loved this fun and amusing dialogue.

  20. Unknown says:

    Very clever! I love fairy tales, even if some of them are very, very dark, in the original folk-tales.
    Like the idea that "the end" is also "the beginning". You're quite the philosopher!
    Best wishes,
    Miss O'Hara's Last Words" SC wk 57

  21. Jenny says:

    Darn, you are so smart. I should have used the prompt as the title! Arrrggghh!!! Why didn't I think of that!

    This was a neat twisty read. I love these short little gems this week.

    What fun reading!

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