Tag Archives: Ask Me Anything February 2012

Answers, the final!

[Oops. I’ve had this sitting in draft for a week…and I thought I’d published it, when I’d saved it in Draft to finish adding the links. I hate when I do that. Sorry, folks! But here it is.] Time, at … Continue reading

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Answers, the fourth!

OK, I need to get going on these…last week’s time-sucking did not do the blog any favors. So let’s get going here! A reader who prefers anonymity asks: What “earworms” get stuck in your head? “Hey Jude”. That’s a big … Continue reading

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Answers, the third!

Continuing the replies to queries posed in Ask Me Anything! February 2012. Charlie asks: Imagine you were called upon to recast the Star Wars movies, for some reason. Who would your picks be? Hmmm, that’s tough. Very tough. Really, really … Continue reading

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Answers, the second!

Time to knock off a couple more answers to questions posed in Ask Me Anything! February 2012. As before, note that I’m still open to questions! In this edition I’m going to tackle all of the political questions at once, … Continue reading

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Answers, the First!

OK, I think I’ve waited long enough — it’s time to start answering the questions from Ask Me Anything! February 2012. And feel free to still ask, if you like…it’s the 10th anniversary month here, so let’s make this one … Continue reading

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A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

Questions go here! So far I’m not getting as many as usual…let’s close up that gap, shall we?

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Oh, Tom, Tom, Tom…. (Answers the first!)

So usually I wait until the second half of the month to start giving answers to “Ask Me Anything!” questions, but Roger has a couple that are time sensitive, pertaining as they do to the impending Super Bowl. So here … Continue reading

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Ask Me Anything!

Yup, folks, it’s February, which means that it’s time once again for Ask Me Anything!, wherein I throw open the doors to all comers who may wish to pose questions of goofy sort, or serious sort, or any kind of … Continue reading

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