Tag Archives: Geek Stuff

“I never joke about my ranking, 007!”: The Official and Correct Ranking of the James Bond Movies, conclusion

And at last, here we are: the top five James Bond movies. I like that my top five has quite a bit of variety: it spans more than 40 years of films, and five of the six men who have … Continue reading

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Licence to Rank: The Official and Correct Ranking of the James Bond Movies, part 4

So here we go: the first half of my person Top Ten James Bond movies! Let’s refresh our rankings to this point: Part One: 26. LIVE AND LET DIE 25. DIE ANOTHER DAY 24. THE SPY WHO LOVED ME 23. GOLDFINGER 22. DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER … Continue reading

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A View to a Ranking: The Official and Correct Ranking of the James Bond Movies, part 3

With this entry, we move from my bottom half of the Bond rankings into the top half. It’s worth remembering that this is all relative: there’s only one movie, Live and Let Die, that I find basically unwatchable. Every one of … Continue reading

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Live and Let Rank: The Official and Correct Ranking of the James Bond Movies, part 2

Continuing my Official And Correct Ranking of the James Bond films! This time we will go from Number 20 to Number 16. Our first entry contained the one Bond film I outright dislike, followed by several that just don’t do … Continue reading

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You Only Get Ranked Once: The Official and Correct Ranking of the James Bond Movies, introduction

It’s only natural that with the arrival of a new James Bond movie, the eternal cottage industry of ranking all of the movies up to that point revs up production again. I’ve seen a whole lot of these articles popping … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday to the Maker!

 Happy birthday to George Lucas! It’s no accident, or exaggeration, when I say that George Lucas is the biggest influence on my storytelling. Star Wars imprinted on me at a very young age, and it is still my guiding star, even … Continue reading

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“Can you tell me how to get to Mandalore?” “This is the way.”

 A couple weeks ago, we finished watching Season Two of The Mandalorian, so here are my thoughts on the show, including thoughts on Season One. None of this is in any particular order. In fact, it’s pretty damned random, because … Continue reading

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An Exercise in Geek Fashion

 There’s a vintage advertisement for the fantasy role playing game Dungeons and Dragons that makes the rounds once in a while, so this time I decided to play a game of “Who Wore It Better”. I think I did it pretty … Continue reading

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Of Cackling Emperors and other things….

OK, so now that I’m done cranking out the words every day in a final push to complete a novel draft, what should we talk about? Why…how about the teaser trailer to Star Wars Episode IX that dropped a few … Continue reading

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Check this out, folks: I have joined local geek commentary website The Geekiverse as a staff writer! Huzzah!! In addition to other things, I’ll be mainly writing a regular column I’m calling Curios from the Outer Rim, in which I … Continue reading

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