Tone Poem Tuesday


I had a piece selected and had started writing the post to go with it, when I realized…that piece is better presented next Tuesday, and not today. It’ll all be clear then. Meanwhile, here is an old favorite of mine, possibly the greatest collection of peasant tunes and drinking songs ever composed: the Romanian Rhapsody #1 by Georges Enescu. There just isn’t a single minute of this piece that I don’t adore, from the wonderful melodies, to the way just about every instrument or instrument group gets something fun to do, to all the little “hitch-steps” in the rhythm that make you picture a bunch of dancers suddenly realizing they’re on the wrong foot. I don’t know what the most joyous piece of music written in the 20th century was, but this one has to be “in the conversation”, as the kids say nowadays. (Or were saying a few years back because hell, who can keep track of what the kids are saying?)



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One Response to Tone Poem Tuesday

  1. Roger says:

    I know – you’re gonna play something special for my late father’s birthday, right?

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