Tag Archives: Art

Averted gaze

Taken at the Buffalo AKG Art Museum. I really like how this composition turned out.

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On ‘ownership’

In the course of a long post about Twin Peaks (of which I know nothing and cannot comment), Sheila O’Malley says this: In today’s day and age, where every fan feels a sense of “ownership” over the thing they love … Continue reading

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Revisiting cover art

The other day I noted, with some enthusiasm, an image that comes super super close to the kind of cover art I’d love to see for Princesses In SPACE!!! (not the actual title). I did try to track down the … Continue reading

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The X-Manatees

I am stealing this from Tumblr, because I love it so. I believe this is the original artist.

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Son of the Bride of the Return of Potential Cover Art!

Haven’t done this in a while…some art that trips my trigger for what the cover of either of the first two Princesses In SPACE!!! (not the actual title) books should look like. Maybe.

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Art in SPACE!!!

I saw these two images on Tumblr yesterday, and both put me in mind of Princesses In SPACE!!! (not the actual title). The first seems like an actual possible location from the book, so I’ll keep this in mind: This one … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday John Constable

One of my favorite painters, ever since high school, when I saw one of his paintings in my English Literature textbook, senior year.

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Words o’ wisdom

 (Swiped from Facebook)

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Thank you, Ralph McQuarrie

Ralph McQuarrie, conceptual artist for many films, died the other day. Every article and blog post out there cites his art that heavily influenced the eventual look of, among other films, Star Wars, and the frank truth is that without … Continue reading

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One hears the creaking of the steps….

Artist-blogger MD Jackson is doing 31 Days of Halloween. Check this one out — I love the evocative mood there!

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