Tag Archives: NFL 2009

Super Thoughts!

Well, the thoughts probably aren’t all that super, but the game was called Super, even if it wasn’t all that super. Or something. Random thoughts on the Super Bowl: :: I was rooting for the Colts, but not really rooting … Continue reading

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Super Bowl Questions

UPDATE 2-7-10: You know, I was thinking about doing some research and creating a nice long Super Bowl trivia quiz this year, but I just never got around to doing the research, so I filed the notion away for next … Continue reading

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Drew versus Peyton

I was right! And my final score picks were in the neighborhood, surprisingly enough. Huzzah! I’m probably going to be rooting for the Colts, although a Saints win won’t bother me all that much if it happens. My general inclination … Continue reading

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In which I ensure a Jets-Vikings Super Bowl

My predictions are: Colts 31, Jets 13 and Saints 38, Vikings 24. I’ve been wrong a lot during this year’s playoffs, so I see no reason that should end. I’m conflicted on the Vikings, actually; I’ve always liked the team … Continue reading

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Ixnay on the Ad-picks-bay!

The other day, the Buffalo Bills held a hastily-called news conference to announce the hiring of their new General Manager: a guy named Buddy Nix, who was promoted from national scout to GM for the team. After everyone in Buffalo … Continue reading

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Losing! Whiskey! Sexy!

The Buffalo Bills have, a short while ago, lost 17-10 to the New England Patriots. That’s their second loss to the Patriots this year and something like their 18th since 2000. Wow. Although they did break their usual pattern of … Continue reading

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The Ball of the Foot

Some random babblings ’bout football: :: Wow, the Steelers really have this suck-good-suck thing going on, don’t they? They’re awesome and win the Super Bowl, then they suck, then they get better, then they win the Super Bowl again, and … Continue reading

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Not even the Bills do that….

So I just hopped over to the FOX Sports website to look at the current football scores, and something struck me as a bit…improbable. Here’s a screengrab: Somehow the Saints have posted a negative score at halftime! There’s got to … Continue reading

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Ahhh, screw the Gipper. What did he ever do for us, anyway?

Adam Schein of FOX Sports spends part of a regular column opining on the Buffalo Bills — specifically, just who is to blame for the fact that the team is a giant mess right now. Here’s the entirety of his … Continue reading

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You got to know when to hold ’em….

The football world is abuzz — abuzz! — with talk about a big gamble Patriots coach (and all around Incarnation of All Things Evil) Bill Belichick made in the game yesterday against the Indianapolis Colts. With the Pats leading 34-28 … Continue reading

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